
I think I belong here

Singapore is a city after my heart – it kind of feels like it was made for me with its heightened efficiencies, rules for living that simply reflect what human beings should normally do but in this case can be punished for, delicious and varied food from around the world at all price ranges, bubble tea for less than $2, extreme safety and cleanliness, booming economy, ethnic & religious diversity, proximity to a variety of desirable vacation destinations, and the …

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The Thais that Bond Us

Tyler and I are blessed/fortunate/lucky for any number of reasons, but one of our most highly valued life-possessions are our relatively numerous but equally important ‘best friends.’ T&I have a lot (relatively speaking) of them, and if you’ve heard us mention these impacting relationships, we usually preface with something like “one of my best friends from ______.” My brother used to tease me incessantly for my inability to name just one – seemingly defeating the meaning of the title (we …

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Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013

We just wanted to take a second to wish you, our family and friends, old and new, near and far, very sincere wishes for a happy new year. For some dear to us, 2012 was difficult and challenging, for others, a year of new beginnings and happy occurrences. For the majority, as is most years, it was a mix of incredible and unfortunate. Whatever the case, for each of you, we hope 2013 brings you joy, success, adventure, love,  and …

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